I've been back to work on the sets that were promised soon after Christmas. A steady influx of work to commission was the reason for the long delay. First pictured are HO9 and HO10 in a very early rough stage.
I have cut them down from castings of the OO versions (which were out before Christmas). I make three cuts across the figure at knee, waist and neck before I join them back together. You can see the melted metal at some of the joins which I need to tidy up. The next stage is thinning down the figures, as the shortening makes them look a little bulky.
Second, I show sets 2mm03 and 2mm04 in an early rough stage demonstrating a different way of working. In an earlier blogpost I showed the first seated man and woman. I made a mould of these first two, cast a load of copies, and fitted the seated legs/skirts to the upper bodies of sets 2mm01 and 2mm02 . Once again there is a load of melted metal on show, but this will be sorted out with the final detailing.
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